[philiptellis] /bb|[^b]{2}/
Never stop Grokking

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Performance BoF at FOSS.IN

FOSS.IN runs in Bangalore from the 1st to the 5th of December this year. During the conference, I'll be organising a BoF meet on performance titled Websites on Speed.

In this BoF we'll each bring up a ideas and research that we've been playing with. It's expected to be fairly technical, but how detailed we get depends on what people are interested in. We'll try and cover all layers of the stack that contribute to performance problems, and get into depth on one or two areas chosen on the spot.

This isn't limited to frontend performance.

There's a lot of experimentation, tweaking and understanding of the system involved in web performance, so let's find out what's state of the art today.


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