[philiptellis] /bb|[^b]{2}/
Never stop Grokking

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Of microformats and geocoding

I'd been toying with the idea of adding geo data to my restaurant reviews. I thought it would be nice to have a map pointer right below the instructions for getting there. I started looking around for well estabilished methods to markup geo data in a blog post.

I came upon an article in linux journal that spoke about geotagging and geocoding for websites. It talks about ICBM and meta tags, which are great except for one thing. It goes into the page header, so can't be different for different sections of the page. It also talks about embedding the information in comments - which means that users and javascript can't easily read it, and about RDF/RSS feeds - which would be useful for my blog feed, but not for my blog itself.

I decided to try my own minimalistic markup, and came up with this:

<address class="gmap" lat="yy" lon="xx" zoom="z">Some text</address>

Of course, I went through a couple of iterations to settle on this, and it was based largely on what the google maps api accepts.

A side note before I go on. The reason I chose google maps was because they provided aerial photos of a few major Indian cities, which is where most of my reviews are based. This turned out to be of no use though, because the aerial photos are not provided via the API. One has to visit Google Local to see them.

Ok, so this gave me the ability to easily add geo information to a post - just a single line. If I wanted to be really cool, I'd need to translate that to a map, so I started studying the google maps API, and after several iterations, came up with this:

//! Add a marker with a callout containing the specified html
function addMarkerToMap(map, point, html)
var marker = new GMarker(point);
GEvent.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {marker.openInfoWindowHtml(html);});

var adr = document.getElementsByTagName("address");
for(var i=0; i<adr.length; i++)
if(adr[i].className == 'gmap')
// Grab HTML to put into callout
var html=adr[i].innerHTML;
var lat, lon, zoom;
adr[i].innerHTML = "";

// Build map and center on lat/lon
var map = new GMap(adr[i]);
map.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());
map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());
var point = new GPoint(lon,lat);
map.centerAndZoom(point, zoom);
addMarkerToMap(map, point, html);

What it does is quite simple. After page load, it iterates through all the divs in the page, looking for divs with class 'gmap'. When it finds such a div, it looks at the lat, lon and zoom attributes (which are not standard HTML btw) of the div and uses that to draw the map.

I soon realised that I was only using zoom level 0, so dropped that attribute and hard coded it in.

I showed it to Nate a little later, and he mentioned that there was a microformat for geocoding. Had a look at it, and while it was slightly more verbose than my format, it achieved a little more, and wouldn't be much harder to parse.

Changed the div to this:

<address class="geo">
Some text<br>
<abbr class="latitude" title="37.801324">N 37° 48.079</abbr> <br>
<abbr class="longitude" title="-122.424903">W 122° 25.494</abbr>

This shows up neatly, and I could change my javascript to accept both classes, 'gmap' as well as 'geo', and change the parsing to this:

if(adr[i].className == 'geo')
var ab = adr[i].getElementsByTagName('abbr');
for(var j=0; j<ab.length; j++)
if(ab[j].className == 'latitude')
lat = 1*ab[j].title;
else if(ab[j].className == 'longitude')
lon = 1*ab[j].title;

The rest of the code remains the same.

It isn't too hard to replace Google maps with Yahoo! maps in this implementation. The parsing of the microformat is the heart of it all, after that it's just a matter of using your API of choice.

You can see both formats in action on my reviews of US restaurants. Note that one of the restaurants uses the old format that I've described above, and the other two use the geo microformat. I'll add more in time, and a few from the UK as well.

Update: Calvin Yu has written a Yahoo! Maps implementation of geo.

Update: Switched to use the <address> tag instead of a <div>. Just seems more semantic.

Update: I have a Yahoo! Maps version as well.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Progressive Enhancement via μMVC - I

The web today is like a huge buzzword bingo game. There's so much flying around that it's hard to stay in touch unless you're in it day in and day out. That's not something that old school engineers like me find easy. I'm far more comfortable staring at my editor, hacking code to interact with a database or some hardware. Interacting with users is tough. Doing it with sound engineering principles is even tougher.

I'm going to take a deep breath now and mention all the web buzzwords that I can think of and somehow fit them into this article.

AJAX, RIA, JSON, XML, XSLT, Progressive Enhancement, Unobtrusiveness, Graceful Degradation, LSM, Accessibility.


Let's get a few definitions in there:
A generic term for the practice of asynchronously exchanging data between the browser and server without affecting browsing history. AJAX often results in inline editing of page components on the client side.
Rich Internet Applications - Web apps built to feel like desktop applications. Most often built using AJAX methods and other funky user interactions
A popular new data interchange language used to exchange data between languages. Extremely useful for compactly sending data from a server side script to a Javascript function on the client
A common, but verbose and slow to parse data interchange/encapsulation format, used to exchange data between client and server.
XSL Transformations - transform XML to something else (most likely HTML) using rules. Can be executed on either client or server depending on capabilities
Progressive Enhancement
The practice of first building core functionality and then progressively adding enhancements to improve usability, performance and functionality
The practice of adding a progressive enhancement without touching existing code
Graceful Degradation
The ability of an application to gracefully retain usability when used on devices that do not support all required features, if necessary by degrading look and feel. Graceful Degradation follows from Progressive Enhancement
Layered Semantic Markup - The practice of building an application in layers. At the lowest layer is data encapsulated in semantic markup, ie, data marked up with meaning. Higher layers add style and usability enhancements. LSM enables Progressive Enhancement and Graceful Degradation.
The ability of an application to be accessed by all users and devices regardless of abilities or capabilities.
See Also: Progressive Enhancement at Wikipedia, Progressive Enhancement from the guy who coined the term, Progressive Enhancement from Jeremy Keith, Ajax, Graceful Degradation, Layered Semantic Markup, JSON

We'll get down to what this article is about, but first let me add my take on LSM.

LSM's layers

While LSM suggests development in layers, it doesn't specify what those layers should be. Traditionally, developers have looked at three layers: Semantic Markup, Semantic CSS and Javascript. I'd like to take this one level further.

The way I see it, we have 4 (or 5) layers.

Layers 1 and 2 are semantic markup (HTML) and semantic classes (CSS). Layer 3 in my opinion should be restricted to unobtrusive javascript added for UI enhancements. This would include drag and drop, hidden controls, and client side form validation, but no server communication.

Layer 4 adds the AJAX capability, however, just like Layer 3 does not absolve the back end from validating data, layer 4 does not absolve the back end from producing structured data.

Right down at the bottom is syncrhonous, stateless HTTP (Layer 0)

And now, back to our show.

Web application frameworks and MVC

There's been a lot of work in recent times to build web application development frameworks that make it easy for a developer to add AJAX methods to his app. Tools like Ruby on Rails, Django, Dojo and others do this for the user, and build on time tested design patterns.

For a long while web application frameworks have implemented the MVC pattern. Current frameworks merely extend it to move some parts of the view and controller to the client side instead of doing it all server side.

See also: MVCs in PHP, Intro to MVCs in PHP5, The controller, The view.

The problem with this is that your code is now fragmented between client and server, and implemented in different languages, possibly maintained by different programmers. Questions arise as to whether the bulk of your code should go into the server or the client, and of course, which model degrades best to account for accessibility?

Brad Neuberg has an excellent article on the pros and cons of each approach, and when you should choose which.

He still leaves my second question unanswered, but Jeremy Keith answers it with Hijax, his buzzword for hijacking a traditionally designed page with AJAX methods... in other words, progressive enhancement.

I've had thoughts that ran parallel to Jeremy's and it was quite odd that we ended up speaking about almost the same ideas at the same place and time. Well, he published and I didn't, so my loss.

Jeremy's ideas are spot on, but he doesn't mention implementation specifics, or whether the same code base can be used for more than just adding Ajax to an existing application.

More about MVC

The MVC pattern is great in that it doesn't state what your view should be, but merely that it should not be tightly coupled with your application model. Most implementers look at it as a way of designing an entire application around a single controller. Every action and subaction correspond to a controller branch, which in turn decides how data should be manipulated, and which view to call.

While this is good (if implemented correctly) at the high level, it is complex, and prone to bad design. It's not surprising that the big boys get wary when MVCs for web apps and PHP in particular are mentioned.


If instead, we look at views as just views of data, and different views of the same data, then we end up with a different structure. Instead of selecting a view based on the action to be performed, we select a view based on the output format that the user wants. This may be HTML in the default case, and the top level controller would merely stitch various HTML subviews together to form the entire page. Each subview sent across to the browser as soon as it's ready to improve performance.

If the user has other capabilities though, we send data in a different format, and chances are, we don't need to send across all subviews. A single subview that's very specific to the data requested is sufficient. We do less work on the server, fewer database queries, send less data across the network and improve performance overall on client and server. The data format selected depends on the client application, and may be an html snippet that goes in to innerHTML, a JSON datastructure that gets parsed on the client side, javascript code that gets evaled on the client side, or XML data returned as a web service or for client side XSL transforms.

We use exactly the same data processing code for all requests, and only switch on the final function that transforms your internal data structures to the required output format.

I call this a micro MVC (μMVC) because the model, view and controller all act on a very fine granularity without considering overall application behaviour. Note also that the view and controller are now split across the server and client.

The client side controller kicks in first telling the server side controller what it's interested in. The server side controller performs data manipulation, and invokes the server side view. The client side controller passes the server side view to the client side view for final display.

This development model fits in well with the LSM framework which in turn leads to Progressive Enhancement and Graceful Degradation, and most of all, it opens up new avenues of accessibility without excessive degradation.

In part II of this article, I'll go into implementation details with examples in PHP and some amount of pseudocode.
