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Never stop Grokking

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Convert IP to Geo info using YQL

For my missing kids hack, I needed to convert an IP address to a US or Canadian 2 letter state code. This should have been pretty straightforward, but it turned out to require a little more effort than I initially wanted to put in.

First, the easy way. Rasmus Lerdorf has a web service that takes in an IP address and based on the MaxMind data, returns a bunch of information including the country and state/region code. I initially decided to use this. His example page is pretty self-explanatory, so I won't re-document it here. The problem is that this service was really slow and increased page load time a lot, so I scrapped the idea.

I then started looking through YQL. YQL has a whole bunch of geo stuff, but nothing that specifically turns an IP address into a WoEID or a country/state code. I then looked at the community supported tables and found the ip.location table that uses the ipinfodb.com wrapper around the MaxMind database. This returned everything I needed, but the only problem was that the state was returned as a string rather than a two character code. This is the query:
SELECT * From ip.location Where ip=@ip
The output looks like this:
    "CountryName":"United States",
Now it's pretty trivial to build an array that maps from state name to state code, but I'd have to keep growing that as I added support for more countries, so I decided against that route. Instead I started looking at how I could use the geo APIs to turn this information into what I wanted. Among other things, the data returned also contained the latitude and longitude of the location that the IP was in. I decided to do a reverse geo map from the lat/lon to the geo information. The only problem is that the geo API itself doesn't do this for you.

Tom Croucher then told me that the flickr.places API could turn a latitude and longitude pair into a WoEID, so I decided to explore that. This is the query that does it:
SELECT place.woeid From flickr.places
 Where lat=@lat And lon=@lon
Now I could tied the two queries together and get a single one that turns an IP address to a WoEID:
SELECT place.woeid From flickr.places
 Where (lat, lon) IN
      SELECT Latitude, Longitude From ip.location
       Where ip=@ip
This is what the output looks like:
The last step of the puzzle was to turn this WoEID into a country and state code. This I already knew how to do:
SELECT country.code, admin1.code
  From geo.places
 Where woeid=@woeid
country.code gets us the two letter ISO3166 country code while admin1.code gets us a code for the local administrative region. For the US and Canada, this is simply the country code followed by a hyphen, followed by the two letter state code. Once I got this information, I could strip out the country code and the hyphen from admin1.code and get the two letter state code.

My final query looks like this:
SELECT country.code, admin1.code From geo.places
 Where woeid IN
      SELECT place.woeid From flickr.places
       Where (lat, lon) IN
            SELECT Latitude, Longitude From ip.location
             Where ip=@ip
And the output is:
Paste this code into the YQL console, make sure you've selected "Show community tables" and get the REST API from there. It's a terribly roundabout way to get something that should be a single API call, but at least from my application's point of view, I only need to call a single web service. Now if only we could convince the guys at missingkidsmap.com to use WoEIDs instead of state codes, that would make this all a lot easier.

Have I mentioned how much I like YQL?


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